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Monday 11 August 2008

There Are Tons Of Small Business Grants For Womwn...But Where?

by: Jeff Schuman
When starting a small business it can be costly, and finding agrant if you’re a women isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Little do most people know, there are millions of dollars justwaiting to be claimed for grants from the government and otherlittle-known organizations. It can be very difficult to findthe right grant for you, and the place of where to get it, butwith a few clicks you too can easily get access to smallbusiness grants for women.It is not a secret that women are beginning to own more and morebusinesses everyday. Not only this, but these businesses arebecoming just as successful if not more then men’s businessesare. If you are looking for a grant, don’t be hesitant to lookbecause of what the business is going to be. There areliterally hundreds to thousands of grants out there for womenwanting to start craft businesses, consulting, brokerage, recordlabels and more.When looking for a grant, there is the option of spendinghundreds of dollars to pay somebody to get you a grant. However, there are other ways that are completely free, but maybe more time consuming then you would hope. One site that isworth checking out is The Ladies Club It is requiredthat you sign up and become a member, free of charge, but thenyou will have access to grant information on how you can becomequalified for a grant and where you can find grants to beginyour business or increase your business. are all kinds of companies out there, and the type ofgrant that you will receive varies for place to place., there are two different kinds of grantsoffered. There is the New Business grant that is between $100and $5,000, and there is the existing business grand that rangesfrom $1,000-$5,000. You do have to apply at this site and beaccepted, but it is worth checking this site out below: may not seem like it, but our government does want you tosucceed, and that is why there is millions of dollars out therefor you. Most places have ridiculous requirements in order toget a grant such as being over 65, being a minority, or evenhaving bad credit sometimes help the process.There are sites out there that are specifically looking forwomen only to give grants to. These sites are attempting tohelp the women population succeed in entrepreneurialism andbegin the road to succession. The site listed just below herehas a list of about ten different sites that are specificallylooking for women to give grants to. is no reason to get frustrated after not having any luckfinding loans. The government wants you to succeed in openingyour small business, or help develop it that much more. Thereare a few sites listed above that are very much worth checkingout to help you find small business grants for women. Don’t getdiscouraged as this can be time consuming, but once you find thefinancial help needed, you will be on your way to developingyour business.

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